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Whipped Ricotta with Saffron Honey

Whipped Ricotta with Saffron Honey

This whipped ricotta with saffron honey is an easy yet impressive dish. Creamy ricotta is blended with olive oil and lemon juice, then topped with saffron-infused honey and fresh fruit or herbs. Perfect for appetizers or snacks, it’s a quick recipe that’s sure to impress. The saffron honey can be made ahead and stored for later use, and is used in many of our other recipes.


1 pinch Lemonfair Saffron, ground with mortar & pestle
1/4 cup honey
2 cups whole milk ricotta
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Salt & Pepper
Fruit, fresh herbs for topping


Make the saffron honey:

Heat honey in a small pot over medium low, stirring constantly until thoroughly warmed, about 5-10 minutes. Turn off heat, stir in saffron, and pour into jar. Allow to cool before using. Extra can more stored in fridge for a couple months.

Make the whipped ricotta:

In a food processor, blend ricotta, olive oil, and lemon juice until light and fluffy- about 2 minutes on medium. Taste & add salt and pepper and more lemon juice, if desired.

Serve in a shallow bowl. Top with more salt and pepper, drizzle saffron honey all over, and add fruit and fresh herbs to your liking. Here, we used sungold cherry tomatoes and fresh figs- a great summer treat.


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